فروشگاه نرم افزار شبکه

خدمات فروش و توسعه نرم افزارهای شبیه سازی شبکه - Network Simulation & Emulation Software Services

فروشگاه نرم افزار شبکه

خدمات فروش و توسعه نرم افزارهای شبیه سازی شبکه - Network Simulation & Emulation Software Services

Qualnet - NS2

                       Qualnet Soft                      

Comparison of Qualnet and NS2 network simulators

مقایسه شبیه سازهای شبکه Qualnet و NS2

                         Qualnet                              NS2
1. Commercial simulator, based upon GloMoSim simulator. 1. Freely available for research and educational purposes.
2. Uses the parallel simulation environment for complex systems (PARSEC) for basic operations, hence can run on distributed machines. 2. Runs on a single machine, no parallel execution support in NS2.
3. Mainly developed for wireless scenario simulations, but wired networks also supported. 3. Mainly developed for wired networks, but its CMU extension facilitates the wireless network simulation.
4. Qualnet includes a graphical user interface for creating the model and its specification. So, it is very easy to specify small to medium networks by using the GUI. 4. To create and simulate a model, we have to specify all connections in a special model file manually. Uses OTcl for model file specifications.
5. Since it uses primarily Java for the GUI, it is available for Linux as well as for Windows. The simulator itself is the specified target system optimized C program. 5. It is designed for Unix systems but runs under Windows CygWin as well.
6. Faster simulation speeds and greater scalability are achievable through smart architecture and optimized memory management of Qualnet. 6. Not as fast and scalable.
7. Not used much in research as it is not freely available, hence lesser support (code samples etc) available on Web. 7. Widely used for research, hence large number of resources available on Web.
8. Simulation of wireless sensor networks is supported in Qualnet 4.5 (using ZigBee library). 8. No such support available as of now.
9. Simulation of GSM mobile networks also supported. 9. GSM not supported in NS2.
10. Includes a variety of advanced libraries such as mesh networking, battery models, network security toolkit, and a large number of protocols at different layers. 10. These advanced libraries for wireless support are not available in NS2.
11. Includes a 3D visualizer for better visualization of a scenario. 11. 2D animator (NAM) is used with NS2.
12. Much easier for beginners who want to evaluate and test different existing routing protocols, as it can be done with GUI, without writing even a single line of code. 12. Requires knowledge of Tcl scripting before you can begin with NS2.
13. For implementing new protocols, Qualnet uses C/C++ and follows a procedural paradigm. 13. NS2 also uses C++ for new protocol/model development, but it uses object-oriented paradigm (usage of different classes) for programming.

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